A good news day?

There’s so much happening at the moment it’s overwhelming even reading the news. Here in Noosa we’ve been personally affected by the floods, which continue to cause havoc and grief across Queensland and NSW. Covid is still taking lives every day, particularly in aged care, a continuing crisis, And all of the world stands in horror as Russia attacks Ukraine.

There’s so much to write about, and so much to read. One of the key reasons for starting this blog was to create ‘shareable content’ that Labor people can pass on to friends and family who may be less politically engaged. A way to give people who consume ‘news’ via Murdoch, Sky News etc, an alternative viewpoint.

So rather than try rehashing what’s already been said, I’m sharing some interesting articles I’ve read in the last week or two, that are a little removed from floods and war, but definitely relevant to the political battle that’s ahead of us.

I have to admit I really enjoyed the Woman’s Weekly piece (I never ever thought I’d say that!) on ‘our Albo’. And since it’s Anthony Albanese’s birthday today (and Dr Jim Chalmers too) let’s start there. I even borrowed their photo.


So here’s a link to the WW feature, it’s a great one to share with lazy people who say they ‘don’t know who Albo is’.  This length article tells us a lot about our leader’s “gut-level belief in such old-fashioned values as equality, loyalty and mateship” that pervades his personal and professional life (Credit Samantha Trenoweth).


Then there’s this discussion (David Milner, 25/02/22) about lies in media. Lies that are told so many times they become myths. We know this will be a dirty election, and Milner cautions in no uncertain terms:

“This election campaign will be relentless and cruel, stupid and depraved, infuriating and harrowing. The confused people still in your lives will spout confused nonsense, just as they did when Howard weaponised xenophobia and othering. Steel yourself against this shit. If you feel hatred bubbling for the political classes now, just give it a month or two – you’ll be a fully fledged Sith by election day.”


Next up is Kaye Lee’s “What a complete waste of time the last nine years have been” (24/02/22), which ends “It’s time to call quits on what has been the most inept, most incompetent, most offensive, most dishonest, least intelligent, least compassionate, least prepared government this country has ever had the misfortune to endure.”


And finally, if you need a memory jog for your next encounter with a rusted on right winger, especially when you’re in the red shirts campaigning for your local candidate, here are at least 20 ‘lowlights’ of Morrison’s Prime Ministership. Enjoy a giggle – we all need one right now.



Nicola Wilson

Noosa Branch





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