Copping an international beating


It’s becoming more and more obvious why Morrison didn’t want to go to Glasgow, as footage of our clumsy ‘leader’ emerges from Europe. Even the Australian media is starting to criticise him, as we cop an international beating in the build-up to COP26. Things have been tense with France ever since Morrison pulled the plug on the submarines deal due to the lack of communication. In today’s headlines we saw Macron calling Morrison a liar (“I don’t think, I know”) and maybe, finally, the emperor has been exposed in all his naked glory.

Of course we all know Morrison is not to be trusted, and that his announcement of a net zero target for 2050 is as empty as his other promises. He’s never believed in climate change, and while beholden to the Nats he’s never going to take action. The glossy pamphlet is typical of Morrison’s slogans and spin, but hasn’t fooled climate scientists, who described it as “flaky” and “hollow” (see CNN article).

Let’s not forget that when former PM Malcom Turnbull tried to legislate climate action, the Liberals turned on him in a leadership spill, with Morrison announcing “He’s my leader, I’m ambitious for him!” before knifing him and becoming PM. So we know the PM has form when it comes to lying, and in avoiding action on climate change.

The plan in a pamphlet is a marketing ploy to pretend that there is action, but there are no targets, it relies on technology that hasn’t even been invented yet, and it won’t be legislated. It doesn’t even have modelling behind it. The fact that a government needs a page of bullet points to announce that it will “be accountable” on climate after 8 years of inactivity really says it all. The plan is based on Abbot’s 2015 submission, with no new targets or action. It’s a plan to do nothing while pretending to have a plan to do something, in order to placate voters who want to see action on climate change. Apparently that’s the Australia way.

Meanwhile, Labor is being criticised for not releasing a plan and modelling, despite not being in government! At a press conference last week, Anthony Albanese described Morrison’s plan as a scam, and stated:

“We will announce our policies after Glasgow. I’ve been consistent about that the whole way through. And in the meantime, we’ve announced Rewiring the Nation, we’ve announced New Energy Apprenticeships, community batteries, we’ve announced our cheaper electric vehicle policy. Comprehensive policies that will make a difference. We will continue to announce a series of policies that are signed off by us as a Labor Opposition. But we will finalise a number of matters after Glasgow. And it will be well-known before the election.”

You can see the full press conference here

In Wide Bay, we have the added blow of having a Nationals MP. Usually notable by his silence (and absence in parliament of late), Llew O’Brien was reported as one of six National MPs who “spoke out strongly against the [net-zero] target”.

It’s time for a government who cares about people, climate, jobs and doing the right thing at a local and global level.


Nicola Wilson, Noosa branch

Part of the Wide Bay campaign

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